Valhalla, Pilgrim, & Fairlane 4000

small ship set
Poster: $15
4 Miniature Set: $10

This half-sized poster features three small ship designs.

The Valhalla-class drop ship is also known as an Iroquois Heavy as it is a larger cousin of that VTOL craft, built for longer, less combat-intensive missions. In addition to a crew of 5, it carries 29 troops and a Seneca-class Armored Personnel Carriers, or 17 troops a pair of APCs.

The Chao Sheng design is also known as the Pilgrim-class. It has four cabins and carries a wheeled all-terrain vehicle in the lower hold. This is a general no frills transport built to carry up to eight crew and passengers between distant star systems. It is also designed to allow for water landings and submerged operations.

Lastly, the Fairlane 4000 is a deluxe shuttle for a wealthy couple, CEO, or crime lord, plus a chauffeur. It contains a well-appointed lounge and a luxurious cabin. There is also a well-armed S variant for use as a security, surveillance, or combat craft. It replaces the cabin furnishings with computer workstations and electronics gear and supports a crew of four.

The original designs are from the "Armada Codex: Valhalla Trio" PDF product for sale at DriveThruRPG.

The trio of small craft fills up both sides of this 18x24 inch poster. The front and back of one poster are displayed above.

The set of miniatures sold above includes 1 Valhalla, 1 Pilgrim, and 2 Fairlanes. Individual Valhalla and Pilgrim models, plus 4-packs of Fairlanes, are available below. A flight stand is included with each Jade and Remora. The shuttles do not use stands.

Valhalla: $5
Pilgrim: $5
4 Fairlane 4000s: $6

Ryan Wolfe