Landing Zones

Desert & Urban Settings
2-poster Set: $28

This project presents a pair of large landing bays designed to accommodate most of the single-poster ships from the Future Armada and Armada Codex product lines. The first landing zone presented is constructed of black asphalt and grey concrete typical of a developed urban or imperial environment. The second zone is in a desert setting, with dirt tarmac and sandstone walls.

Each area is surrounded by 40-foot high walls enclosing an area of roughly 175 feet by 235 feet. Various support buildings line the perimeter of each landing zone and there are large and small gates to provide access for cargo and people.

Digital version of these maps, with supporting PDF documents, are for sale at DriveThruRPG.
That product also includes a collection of giant ship images that can be placed in the bays (either digitally or via physical priting and cutting).


This is a two-poster set, with the front of both posters showing the two halves of the desert bay and the backs showing the urban landing zone. All of my maps are at 1 inch = 5 feet scale with a 1 inch grid built into the floor.


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