My most recent Kickstarter campaign presented a set of detailed deckplans on a 24x36-inch poster, with a matching miniature.
Daisho is an integrated cruiser/interceptor built for speed and offensive power.
This vessel consists of two ships that can operate together or independently:
Daito : a well-armed cruiser with 7 cabins, 10 bunks, med bay, cryo pods, and brig.
Shoto : a sleek strike craft designed to carry a crew of two to four.
The poster and will later show up on my shop page here and on
The digital documents, which provide room by room descriptions and images of the poster and maps are for sale at
The Star Foundry is my ongoing collection of ships converted for use with
Starfinder by Paizo Publishing.
The PDFs are form-fillable and have both color and black & white layers. Flat images are also available as is a
sheet for your own use.
Armada Codex
The Armada Codex and older Future Armada product lines are a series of documents
and deckplans that describe a variety of ships and stations for sci-fi RPGs. For example,
a recent issue of the Codex presents "Kaeru & Company": a scout ship
and an ultralight carrier, both designed to carry a specially-designed, detachable fighter.
The digital documents, which provide room by room descriptions and additional details are available
here, along with everything else at
DriveThru RPG.
Physical posters and miniatures for ships are available in the
Zero Hour Shop and on Etsy.
For updates, follow 0-hr on
Facebook or
on Twitter.
And as always, feel free to contact me at
0-hr @ mail.com.
To learn way too much about my career history, visit my online
(C) 2004-2025 by Ryan Wolfe. Permission is given to reproduce the images and documents on this site for personal use,
but not to sell, host, or widely distribute it without express permission. My work my not be utilized as a resource for AI or any procedurally generated art.