
1 Augustus-specific Poster: $25
miniature: $10

With a classic design and a wide variety of accommodations, this stately behemoth can carry two thousand souls in comfort. Augustus consists of a central spine, nearly 1000 feet long, and a rotating wheel with four similar habitats, each five decks high. The spine holds the crew, cargo, and engine areas. The habitats contain passenger accommodations and entertainment, with the arcs between housing hundreds of cryogenic pods. Augustus carries 200 crew and has room for more than 1200 passengers plus another 600 in cold sleep. Sixteen extended Brahma-class shuttles are carried to ferry passengers and crew to nearby planets or stations.

Augustus is the third in the "Imperator Project" line. To completely lay out the ship requires both posters from NERO and one of the two posters from Trajan in addition to the single Augustus-specific poster. All four required posters are available here for a special price. Because of its size, map sections are used multiple times to lay out the entire ship.

All 4 Posters Needed for Augustus: $60

The original ship is from Armada Codex: Augustus for sale at DriveThruRPG.

A 1-inch black round flight stand is included with the miniature. Note that the unpainted 3D-printed resin miniature comes in three pieces (ring and 2 spine sections) and gluing is required for assembly. If the miniature ships in a poster tube, then the wheel will also be in two sections.


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